1. One scholarship will be awarded for a single session of ten-week class lessons in the Spanish language in Makati MetroManila. Class is held once a week on Saturdays, three hours each class. Duration will be for ten weeks, one session per week for a total of 30 hours of class. Scholarship may be continued for one additional level (Total of 2 class levels maximum, 60 hours of instruction) provided the student successfully passes the exam for the next level. Subsequent class times and days may vary.
2. Simply write a composition for the competition. To compete for the scholarship: All applicants must write an essay in English, entitled, "Spanish is Good for Filipinos" with a minimum of 500 words (two pages double-spaced.) Essay will express reasons why Spanish is important for Filipinos to learn.
3. To submit and post the essay: Essay must be posted to the SpanishFilipino Group Websiteathttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/SpanishFilipino This is an internet group composed of Filipinos and Foreigners interested in the Spanish Language and Hispanic culture of the Philippines. The goal is to promote friendship, goodwill, network, preserve Hispanic Filipino culture, and to learn Spanish and/or practice. Membership is open to all to join. No prior knowledge of Spanish is needed to join. English or Spanish may be used to post messages on the website. (A Yahoo mail account available at no charge is needed for access.)
4. In the event you do not win the scholarship, there are no losers. You will still be able to learn Spanish and practice live at the Makati MetroManila Spanish Language Meetup, private Sociedad tutorships and with messages on the group website. Periodic group meetings in coffeehouses and restaurants are held for live practice.
5. Scholarship winner will be expected to attend Sociedad Hispano-Filipina meetings on a best effort basis and continue learning Spanish through other available means once the scholarship has ended.
6. A winner will be chosen twice each year, and announced in March and September. The winner will represent the Sociedad Hispano-Filipina and its goals and be the "Ambassador of Goodwill" for Filipino Spanish Language and Culture until the succeeding scholar is chosen.
The Spanish-Filipino Group in YahooGroups is an online discussion group composed of members that are interested in Spanish Filipino culture and language. It is not a formal organization. There are no dues, nothing to pay or sign, no obligation to receive messages or even participate. Most members do not know each other personally except by what they learn from each other by posting messages, files and photos on the Spanish-Filipino website. Many members found the site through word search or by word of mouth, and just joined by clicking on the site's registration page. Many members log-on to view the messages on-line, others opt to receive the messages in their e-mail. There are no meetings except by those personally arranged by individual members who wish to get together — but it is a group goal to eventually have more get-togethers in different cities.
In other words, the group is You! Participate and post topics relevant to Spanish in the Philippines, in Spanish if you can, English if you cannot, but keep up the effort to learn and improve your Spanish language skills. Let's grow this group. This site is a valuable site for making friends, travel contacts and networking with others that share the same ideas of preserving the Spanish language and heritage of the Philippines.
El grupo de Spanish-Filipino en YahooGroups es un grupo de discusión en línea compuesto de miembros que están interesados en la cultura y lengua filipina-española. No es una organización formal. No hay nada que firmar, ninguna obligación de recibir mensajes ni de participar. La mayoría de los miembros no se conocen personalmente excepto por lo que aprenden de uno por los mensajes postados, los archivos y las fotos en el Web Site de Spanish-Filipino. Muchos miembros encontraron el sitio con la búsqueda de palabras en el internet o por la recomendación de otra persona, y se inscribieron así. Muchos miembros van al website para ver los mensajes en línea, otros optan por recibir los mensajes en su correo electrónico. No hay reuniones, a no ser de lo que se arregla por los miembros individuales que desean juntarse. Es una meta del grupo tener reuniones eventualmente en diferentes ciudades donde hay interés.
¡Es decir, el grupo es usted! Participe y escriba artículos relevantes al español en las Filipinas, en español si puede, en inglés si no puede, pero continúe el esfuerzo de aprender y de mejorar sus habilidades en la lengua española. Vamos a incrementar los miembros. Este sitio es un lugar valioso para hacer amigos, contactos de viaje, y por el establecimiento de una red con otros que compartan las mismas ideas de preservar la lengua y la herencia española en Filipinas.